
We know what you're up against—transitioning to a new church management system is a significant undertaking. With our wealth of experience in this field, there's no challenge you can present that will catch us off guard. That's why we've honed a meticulous approach that guides you from complexity to clarity through deliberate consultations. We dive deep into your data and processes, developing a customized implementation roadmap that is precisely tailored to your church's needs, ensuring a seamless and confident transition to Rock RMS.

Testimonial picture
From our very first conversation to the successful launch and beyond, we make sure that open communication and collaboration are at the heart of everything we do. Whether it's tackling technical challenges, navigating organizational dynamics, or offering a listening ear, our Implementation team is here for you every step of the way.

Rachel Adams

Implementation Consultant at 9 Embers

Here's what makes our process unique:

  1. Local Expertise

    We have a team of 15 full-time employees on staff, all based in the US, each dedicated to delivering exceptional service.

  2. Proven Track Record

    We proudly support over 40 churches, handling most of their implementations to ensure a smooth transition to new systems.

  3. Trusted by Peers

    Let us connect you with other churches that have successfully moved from your current platform, so you can hear firsthand about their experiences.

  4. Specialized Support

    You’ll Benefit from the expertise of our dedicated implementation specialist who is here to guide you every step of the way.

  5. Flexible Discovery

    Discovery meetings can be conducted on-site to fully understand your needs.

Implementation Process

  1. Implementation Interest

    So you're interested in moving to Rock? Well, let's set up a time to connect and get to know each other. We will discuss your goals, challenges you face within your current system, and answer any questions you may have about the implementation process. Here at 9 Embers, we strive to help churches move to Rock and we'd love to discuss how 9 Embers can help!

  2. Initial Data Transfer

    We ask the Church to provide a Data Transfer so we can get to know your data which will help us in the Discovery Meetings. We will handle the set up and configuration of your servers as well as installing Rock. If you want us to handle hosting for you as well, check out our Cloud 9 offering!

  3. Discovery Meetings

    We want to ensure we fully understand how your Church does Ministry, so we will work with you to set up a series of meetings with your ministries. In these meetings we will discuss and document how their ministry area operates. We want to know the challenges and hurdles each area faces so we can better configure Rock to suite the needs of your Church.

  4. Implementation Team

    It is important that someone on your staff is managing the project for your church. Typically this person is full-time and someone who has a good handle on most ministry areas or can find the information out relatively easy. They should be a good point of contact for our team during the implementation project.

  5. Implementation Project

    We will prepare a project board with all our documentation from the Discovery meetings broken into tasks for Go-Live. We will review this board with your team and make our recommendations for time frame and cost for the project.

  6. Training

    Training is an important piece to any software implementation. We will provide your team access to training videos covering the basic concepts of Rock as well as training on specific processes our team has configured as part of the implementation project.

  7. Go-Live!

    You've made it! You are live on Rock! Now what??
    Based on our experience, you will have questions and will need help addressing things that may not have come up until after you were live. Which is why we recommend every church first starting out with Rock invest in a support retainer for at least the first 6 months after they are live.

  8. Support Retainer

    Let us partner with you on this Rock journey! While a support retainer may seem unnecessary, it's something that will bring you and your team a sense of relief, to have someone in your corner you can depend on. Rock is ever evolving and changing and we understand how challenging it is to keep up. Let us serve you by being the helping hands needed to support you and your church.

Start a conversation with us today.

Let us prove to you 9 Embers is the best choice for your next Rock RMS project.

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